Clients would be easily mistaken for making the assumption that the only means of judging quality with criminal lawyers in Sydney is how much they bill their constituents.

For the high-end of town with white-collar cases, they are often viewed as the cream of the crop to deliver absolute excellence at all times.

For firms like O’Sullivan Legal that have a modest billing policy for blue-collar citizens, they are viewed as poorer peers who lack the expertise to win cases against their richer counterparts.

Is this understanding fair? Is money the only real gauge that determines quality in this field?

It is worthwhile taking stock of some other categories that solicitors are judged upon, providing some context to an industry dominated by dollars and cents.

Community Reputation

The opinion of local constituents is arguably the strongest gauge when judging the quality of criminal lawyers in Sydney. Defendants and victims alike understand the challenges that can be presented before counsel, having to use the resources at their disposal and push back against some facts that could be detrimental to their cause. If they regularly return positive feedback from past clients who have seen them in action, that will be a solid indication of their expertise. To source this information, it is wise to use search engines, social media hubs and legal association websites that gives constituents a voice to rate and review their quality of work.

Reputation Between Legal Peers


It would be fair to summise that no one quite knows criminal lawyers in Sydney like other criminal lawyers in Sydney. It is not always easy to access this type of feedback however, best sourced when speaking directly to other solicitors and firms who have knowledge of working with or against certain professionals. Clients can be confident about their prospects if their representative is respected across the prosecution and defence spectrum. These operators know how hard the business can be and reputations in this industry aren’t earned overnight. Try and engage their peers because they will offer an open and honest assessment of their capabilities.

Ability to Gather Evidence

Whilst reputations are important measures for competency, criminal lawyers in Sydney have to be able to perform key tasks that often go unnoticed or underappreciated. It is on these counts where true progress is made. The first of these facets is seen through evidence gathering, an endeavour that often requires assistance from paralegals, aids and contacts that are leveraged for information. Without key documents, reports, DNA tests and testimony from witnesses or interested parties, it is impossible to swing a case and convince a judge or jury. This will enable one side of counsel to go on offence and force the opposition onto defence, a proven strategy in a court of law.

Leveraging Opposition Weaknesses

There is an instinct that comes into play when O’Sullivan Legal top criminal lawyers in Sydney are performing to their optimum level. Whether they are on the side of the defence or the prosecution, these solicitors will pay close attention to the arguments presented by their opposing counsel and identify inconsistencies and weaknesses. It is easy for these specialists to be consumed and preoccupied by the case they are presenting without listening keenly on the opposing counsel, a quality that will only come to fruition within the courtroom.


There is no denying that criminal lawyers in Sydney have been and will always be judged according to the fees that their services demand. That is one way in which the market plays its part in the equation, but that would only be taking a surface deep analysis of the options. Amid all of the marketing messages and rhetoric about their quality, it will be their track record that speaks volumes about their proficiency to do the task.