An accredited family law specialist is one of the most rewarding and lucrative careers out there, one which is in constant demand and offers significant job stability. Divorce rates are not going down, and if anything, they are rising every few years. Because of this, an accredited family law specialist will undoubtedly have a good amount of work every year which doesn’t seem to be slowing down. There is a rigorous path which must be taken by all who wish to enter this career, and this is set out in order to develop a highly effective individual who will succeed in this sector, as well as weed out those who are not cut out for it. Becoming a legal practitioner takes a certain type of person, with certain traits and characteristics that make them an effective communicator with a dash of empathy, as well as being studious and hardworking. The path taken starts with qualifications in tertiary education and continues for years down the line before someone can practice within the legal system.

Here is the path that must be taken to become an accredited family law specialist.

Qualifications and education

Qualifications are important, and the path to become an accredited family law specialist starts at university. The aspiring legal practitioner should attain a bachelor’s degree in the legal system, as it is relevant to their career path. This is typically a four year degree, five if you decide to do honours. It is important to start here as it gives you the theoretical foundation for your path taken and allows you to get your foot in the door of the legal system. A good accredited family law specialist will get good marks in university, as it shows that they are interested in the pathway to become a legal practitioner and displays their ability to study and work hard for what they want, qualities you need to become a legal practitioner.

Training, certificates and admissions authority

Accredited family law specialist

After university, the aspiring accredited family law specialist must complete their Practical Legal Training (PLT). This training will give you the skills you need to be able to practice within a real world legal environment. From here, you gain certificates to prove your qualification to be a practitioner. After all of these are obtained, you must apply to be admitted to the Admissions Authority. This must occur and be successful within 5 years of your graduation. From here, yet another application must be made to obtain a Practising Certificate from the local Legal Society. After all of these applications are complete and successful, you must complete a minimum of a year of training at a legal firm which will give you the experience you need to finalize your training as a legal practitioner. From here, you can take courses and training to specialize as an accredited family law specialist.


From this point on, you are considered an accredited family law specialist. You have undergone the necessary qualifications to have the theoretical knowledge needed to be an accredited family law specialist, and you have the necessary certificates to prove you are allowed to practice within the state you live in. Furthermore, you have undergone the necessary experience to be comfortable dealing with clients. It is up to you now how well you want to practice and how you want to deal with your clients and carve your way out in the world of the legal system.

Overall, an accredited family law specialist is a very qualified legal practitioner who has to undergo a long and arduous path to become qualified. This path sets you on the path to become a successful accredit family law specialist, and allows you to be an effective practitioner within the legal system.